Pontiac Repair: 1990 Pontiac Bonneville Le 3.8, pontiac bonneville, drive axles

whenever I put the car in reverse its sounds like a universal joint gone
bad which it doesn't have I know replaced drive axles both sides and replaced
transaxle mounts on front drivers side and rear passenger side thinking that was the problem cause I had my brother inside the car and had him put the car in drive then in reverse and you can see the motor rock toward you when you change gears what should I look for now fluid is burnt and i've got the filter and fluid but now some guy told my brother you can change the fluid all day long and thats not going to solve the problem he said it needs to be rebuilt whats your opinion on it?

Hi scott:

that transmission in that vinatge had was was called a double bump going into reverse. It neededs to be rebuilt with the updated parts to get rid of that feel going into revers. Going into drive I assume is fine? if that is the case then there is not an issue with the axles or mounts it's a trasnmission issue. I'm sure being that it's 22 years old it has lots and lots of miles on it so your better off rebuilding it if the car is worth it. being it's age it's more then likley not worth much. Is if going to break if you keep driving it that way not likley will it get worse yes. good luck :-}