Pontiac Repair: Replacing fuel pump/2005 Sunfire, sheet metal screw, 2005 pontiac sunfire

I'm trying to replace the fuel pump on a 2005 Pontiac Sunfire, but I have hit a roadblock. In order to drop the fuel tank, I have to remove the heat shield (or at least disconnect it from the frame in several places#, I have a Haynes manual (part store did not have Chilton's) that confirms that this is a necessary step, but nothing tells me HOW to remove the heat shield. It appears to be riveted to the frame. Short of prying/chiseling/drilling out the rivets (and if I do that, how will I put the heat shield back on?), I am at a loss. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Marie:
Yes Hyanes manuals are horrible! al you need to do is take the one bracket off on the left side of the shield and prt the rest of the shiled down you can leave the strap in the car and pull it down as far as it will "bend" and then you will drop and slide the tank out the right side of the car so to answer your question leave the shiled in the car when you put the tank back in just bent the shiled back up and replace the one rivot you removes with a sheet metal screw. good luck :-}