Pontiac Repair: Timing chain 2002 pontiac sunfire, chain breaks, pontiac sunfire

My timing chain broke so I replaced it but the engine still wont start.  I have spark and fuel.  I checked the compression and each cylinder has between 92 and 96 psi.  What is the normal compression for the 2.2l OHV engine? The engine turns over but wont start.  Could I have a bent valve and still get compression?  Any help would be great.  Thanks in advance.  oh I am going to replace the crank position sensor tomorrow since I dont know how to tell if its bad.  It doesnt look damaged.

Hi Jason:

I would say thou have bent valves. thise engine is an interfierence engine meaning that if the chain breaks and the valves hang open the piston will hit the vlaves so you more then likley have some bent vlaves sorry for the bad news. Not sure of the actaul compression #'s but that seems pretty low. Good luck :-}