Pontiac Repair: NO SPARK on a 3.4, crank sensor, pontiac firebird
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 95 Pontiac Firebird and I am not getting any spark i have changed the ignition coil cam sensor and crank sensor is there any other things to check that would control the spark
ANSWER: Hi Trever:
in order for the engine to have spark it needs power and ground to the ignition module and it needs a crank sensor input. with the key in the run position check for power and ground to the ignition module. the power and ground at in the same 2 wire connector on the module the power is the pink connector and the ground is black. check it woth a test light it should light the lamp bright. next the crank signal unplug the crank sensor at the module it is a connector that has a yellow and purple wire in it. check across the yellow and purple wires with a digital volt ohm meter you should have between 800-1400 ohms. if the reistance is correct crank the car over and check for AC volatge across those 2 wires. it sould be somewhere aroun 100-200 Millivolts... If you have voltage and ground and the crank sensor is producing voltage I would venture to say you have a bad igniton module. The Cam sensor is not used for the ignition system per say it's fr the injection system and for misfire detection.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Ok so i have tried all of that and I still dont have any spark is there anything else to check that would cause it to have no spark?
AnswerNo all the tining I mentioned before are input to the module. the module will produce the spark signal all by it's self. It doesn't need the computer per say to sprak. it had a base program in the module for spark production. so power and ground and crank signal input is all it needs to start making spark. once it's running the engine computer controls the amount of spark advance.