Pontiac Repair: please help, compression gauge, auto parts store

A week ago my 2000 sunfire just died while i was driving i have replaced the ignition control module and filters and relays and fuses but nothing will make it start can you please point me in the right direction??

Hi there.
What engine is in this 2.2 or 2.4 liter? in order for it to run it needs a few things. fule,compression and spark. all of these things you can check. do you hear the fuel pump run when you turn the key to run? doesn't mean it has enough pressure to run but at least the pump runs. this car has no pressure tap to check the pressure with out special tools. you can use a computer safe test light to check for injector pulse. unplug one of the injectors and attach a test light to the injector harness and crank the car over the lamps should flash on and off. that will let you know if the computer is turning the injector on and aoof. Spark you can get a sark tester cheap at the auto parts store and make sure you have spark on all 4 cylinders check one at a time and put the wires back on the plugs after you check each one. lastly compression. a compression gauge is needed for for this. One extra thing nto the equasion is the theft system in the car from the factory when you try to start this and leave the key in the run pcoition does the security lamp come on or start to flash? If so there is an issue with that and that will prevent the car from starting and continuing to run after a few seconds. I'm sure you will find the answer here that your missing something.