Pontiac Repair: 95 firebird leaking tranny fluid, 3800 engine, rust belt
QuestionI recetly had the starter changed on my 95 3.4 firebird. a few days later it started leaking transmission fluid. It did the same thing about a year ago when the same person changed the starter. Last time we tried to make it leak so we could see where it was coming from but could not get it to leak.. So I filled it with fluid and have driven it with no leaks until this recent starter change. Could he have hit a cooler line? Anyone else have this problem? And one other question, I bought a parts car. A 95 3.8 firebird. It has a new tranny. Would it bolt on to my 3.4? Or should I do a motor swap too? Thank you for any help.
AnswerNo stacy the transmission will not swap out on that. the engine is different the bolt pattern for the 3800 engine and the 3.4 are different. As for the lines yes the starter is in the way of the lines or the lines are in the way of the starter what ever way you want to look at it. It's possably that disturbing the lines for the starter change made them leak especially if you line in the rust belt like I do. with out seeing it I can't tell you for sure. But it's a safe bet that is what happened.