Pontiac Repair: Brake light on dash is on for no reason, carol foster, level switch
QuestionHello, I have a 1995 grand prix SE, the brake light in the dash is on and I can't find a reason for it to be on...the fluid is full and the pads are all good...is there something that I am overlooking possibly (probably) is there a way to re-set it or to turn it off? Thank You!!
Jeff and Carol Foster in Ohio
P.S. Thanks for answering my question from last time..I am still working on that problem as well!!
AnswerHi Jeff:
I Like repaet business ;)! Does this have anti-lock brakes too? If so is the anti lock lamp on as well. The anti-lock lamp being on will turn on the red lamp. If no to either or both the other reasons for the lamp to be on are the parking brake switch or the master cylinder fluid level switch. unplug each switch 1 at a time? the switch is on the side of the master cylinder just unplug it and the parking brake pedal/lever has a a signle wire on it as well unplug that and see which one turns the lamp off. good luck :)