Pontiac Repair: rear brake replacement, pontiac montana sv6, 2006 pontiac montana sv6
QuestionI need to know the procedure for reinstalling the rear calipers on a 2006 pontiac montana sv6 3.5. i have tried to compress the puck with a C clamp, released the fluid pressure byt still cannot get the calipers to go over the new pads. Please help!TJ
AnswerHi TJ:
the caliper pistons need to be retracted with a caliper piston turning tool. The picton is actually threaded on a shaft that the parking brake works off. any auto parts store will have a "unversal" tool to do this it's a square block with nobs sticking out on all sides of the block. you install a 3/8" socket extension into the block and then you find the universal side that fits the indents on the piston and then you use an ratchet on the extension and turn the pistons back into the claipers. hupefully you didn't damage the calipers by trying to force them backinto the calipers with out turning them into the calipers. Good luck :-}