Pontiac Repair: 96 sunfire 2.4 liter, cam shaft, car idles

I just bought this car cheap hoping to have an easy fix. The car idles fine it can be put in gear with the break on and it is fine but as soon as I try to take off it bogs down sometimes misfires and dies. If I just let up off the break without using the throttle it will usually start rolling and if it is rolling fast enough it will drive fine using the throttle. Once it dies it can be very difficult to start, acting like the timing is off. I have gotten different crankshaft and cam shaft censor codes. The camshaft censor is fairly new and I just tried changing the crankshaft censor with no results. Would a jumped timing chain cause these problems or is there something else that I should be looking at.

Hey chris:

well there can be a number of things. the cam/crank codes can certanily be caused by a chani that is jumped a tooth. BUT usually when this engine jumps a chain they will not run at all. as far as the fisfire the housing the coils and ignition mosue sit in goes bad on those engines and the coils cross fire and cause misfires. Also make sure all the gounds for the engine computer are clean and tight give them all a good tug. they are on the engine to trasnmission mountin bolts towards the front of the car and there is a stud by the oil filter on the side of the block that has 1 or 2 on it as well. good luck :-)