Pontiac Repair: EGR Valve, valve question, motor time

QUESTION: Where is it located in a 2003 Pontiac Grand Am?

ANSWER: Hi christine:
what engine is in this? if it's a ecotech 4 cylinder engine there isn't one. if it's a 3.4 liter engine it's on the back of the engine by the ignition coil packs. if it's a quad overhead cam 4 cylinder engine some do some don't depending on what state it was sold in but it would be towards the rear of the engine next to the intake manifold.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Dear Todd,

Thank you for a quick reply.  It's a 3.4 liter engine.  Any idea how long this will take?  I want to make sure they don't charge me hours of labor for a 10 minute job.

And I'm in PA.  I know I need this addressed in order to pass inspection.



It's about a 1/2 hour job but they will more then likely charge an hour to replace it. what ever the labor time guide (book) time it to replace it. it's not a made up amount. Either alldata/chilton or motor time guide is what they will go off of for labor time. Your welcome :-}