QuestionHello. I own a 2004 Pontiac Grand AM V6.
I was running low on gas one day. Got home, went to go to gas station and my car wouldn't start. Had some gas brought to me only 2 gallons. Still wouldn't start. I got it start eventually however, with the "special touch". Only put a quarter of a tank of gas in and still having starting problems. My stepdad is working on it. We changed the starter thinking that was the problem. We also changed the water pump because I was leaking coolant. I can get it to start if i try the special touch, being when i put the key just above the ON position(u know, to attempt to start it)I have to barely touch that position with the key and let go very fast, while giving it a little gas. But if you try to just get in there n start it it tries to start but it doesn't seem like it is catching or something.
I do hear the fuel pump kick on. Also, my stepdad is convinced that it is the passlock glitch because about 8 months ago my security light came on and car wouldn't i did the ten minute on position, off position, then start and it worked.
I don't think it is the passlock because my light isn't on and it is not doing the same thing when i had the one passlock problem in the past.
My question is
A)could it be the passlock even if the security light is not on
B)what, in your expertise, do you think could be the problem?
Need more details?just let me know :) thanks very much!
AnswerHi there:
if it's a pass lock issue when you try to strt it it will start and stall and the security lamp will come on and start to flash when the engine stalls. If that is not happening I would check for fule pressure. that engine needs almost 45 PSI to run right. It it real low I would suspect a bad pump. and whlie your there replace the fuel filter. that never gets changed untill the filter is so plugged up the pump gets over worked and dies. good luck :)