Pontiac Repair: code, converter clutch, pontiac montana
QuestionHey Todd your advice was right on last time with control arms on a pontiac montana was a bear but got it done also right on with abs sensor you are good, have a new issue same van 99 pon montana 145000 mis 6cyl its throwing a code po742 trans clunks feels like its slipping out of gear any ideas you may have are greatly appreciated thanks again Jim
AnswerHi james:
that codes has to do the the toque converter clutch system. first off make sure the fluid is full. but I have bad news with that many miles on it it's more then lilley going to have to come out of the van and taken apart to see what the issue is it could be clutch material stuck in the valve body. It coule be a pump assembly comming apart or it could just be a valve body valve hanging up. No matter what it is just slapping a band aid on it is just that with that many miles on it. you need to decide if the van is worth a hefty repair bill or not. if it is then have the thing over hauled and not just a band aid fix. good luck :)