Pontiac Repair: 1996 pontiac grand prix 3.1v-6 coolant leak, coolant leak, pontiac grand prix
Questionre;1996 pont. grand prix
3.1l hey Todd thanks first for taking the time to try and answer my question.this car recently started to smell like coolant burning or the smell of antifreeze.upon inspection of the coolant i found it was down maybe a quart of coolant.drove it for about a week and smelled it again.this time i noticed the temp gauge went up to bout 180 and as soon as we accelerated it went back to normal.well i noticed the cooling fans were not working so i repaired that problem first and again the fluid was down about a quart.im not as young as i used to be but i have managed to see a small leak on the very front of the intake.of course it cant be seen clearly of course because of the p.s.,serpentine,ect!..the motor is clear and none in radiator at all.so a two part question;1.is this a common problem with this particular car?2.seemed strange to come from the front of that intake so is there anything behind that p.s pump and pulleys and such that could be causing the antifreeze to be dripping from this area.
AnswerHey Jay.
there is bypass elbow that goes from the intake manifold to the belt tensioner. the elbow is made of plastic and they get old hard and brittle and crack then leak. another thing on the front is the water pump could be leaking as well. Good luck :)