QuestionQUESTION: I have a 96 Pontiac Sunfire, 2.2L that will turn over but not start. I thought it was the fuel pump because it wasn't turning on, but I replaced it and the car still won't start. I took out a spark plug and checked to see if there was a spark and there wasn't one. I was thinking it might be the ignition module, but I'm not sure. What do you think?
ANSWER: Hi Mario:
is ther spark on any of the cylinders? if you do not have spark on all 4 cylinders then it's either an ignition module/or a crank shaft position sensor the crank position sensor is the trigger to make the ignition module work. you could also have a power supply issue to the module. when you have the key in run is ther anything else that doesn't work? if so then I would look at a power supply issue first. Your going to need a service manula to test the system just guessing is costly. stay away from haynes manuals look for either Chilton or motor manuals. good luck :)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: There isn't spark going to any of the cylindars, and when i turn the key, everything in the car comes on. So I replaced the crankshaft sensor, but before that, I removed the PCM because I thought it might need to be replaced. I didn't replace it though, but it's still disconnected. My question is, I know that when you buy a new PCM it has to be programed at a mechanic's, so will mine that I disconnected have to be programed again, or can I just connect it and be fine? Also, if it does need to be reprogramed, do I have to take i the car and PCM, or can I just take the PCM along with the VIN#, mileage, etc.?
Answerno it doesn't mattter that you unplugged the PCM and reattached it. did you get a service manual for this? guess at parts is a very expensive way of trying to fix it. if you have a manual and can follow it and test what is asked you should be able to fid the problem. If indeed this does have a bad PCM you need to take it to a dealership or a AC Delco repair shop to have the pcm programmed to the car. a replacemnet unit is genaric and needs to be programmed to the car. did you happen to check to see if this has injetor pulse to all 4 cylindrs?