Pontiac Repair: 1994 3.8 pontiac transport wont fire up, crank sensor, blown fuses
QuestionQUESTION: My mom has this van and I have had the coil packs checked and even replaced the crank sensor ( as recommended by my local parts store ) and the van will turn over but just not fire up. I have checked the plugs for a spark and I dont think this its getting a spark.
Please can you help me
ANSWER: Hey Phil:
Well first off make sure you do not have any blown fuses. does the engine have injector pulse? You can check for injetor pulse with a noid light or a computer friendly test light jump across any of the 6 fuel injectors and crank the engine over. the test light or noid light should flash on and off if not you are not getting an injector pulse either so if the negine has no spark or no injetor pulse #1 the ignition module is not productin a signal for the coils to spark and the module is more then likley not sending an RPM signal to the engine computer so that narrows it fown a bit. Either you have a bad ignition module or a bad input to the module no crank sensor input or your loosing power or ground to the module. There is a ground stud under the igniton module that the main engine harness is connected to if that ground is bad a lot of things can happen including a no start condition. I would recomend you get a service manual for this and look up cranks but no start or no spark condition and follow the chart in the manual for that. stay away from any Haynes manuals those are just plain BAD. good luck :)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I have tested the ignition module and replace crank sensor. there is good fuel supply no issues there we just dont have any spark. All fuses are good swapped out different relays!
Is there a ignition module/relay that could be bad if not do you think that i might be the computer its self
AnswerLike I mentioned to you before if it's lacking spark AND injetor pulse then look at the input to the module it's self. How did you "test" the module? The crank senor is what starts the whole start series of events rolling without a a crank input or withour an RPM output from the module nothing is going to happen. just throwing parts at it in hopes you found the right part is not the right way to fix it and electrical parts are expensive and non returnable. Take a loot at a root issue here like a bad connection or bad power/ground. there is no ignition relay for this van.