Pontiac Repair: broken crankshaft position sensor.HELP?, crankshaft position sensor, crank shaft
QuestionHello, i need to replace the crankshaft position sensor on my 2000 sunfire 2.2 and when i went to pull it out the end broke off. I can grab the little bit that's hanging out with pliers but i can't get it to come out. Any ideas? There's no room down in there to do much, i went in from the top.
AnswerHey Jim:
I can't really help you out that is a tough thing to get out. the hard way is to take the oil pan off and reach up into the crank case and push it out from the inside out. An even harder way is to use a pick and keep digging away at it and try to crumble enough of it away till you get to the O-ring that seal the oil from leaking out. That is what is hanging it up. if you break away enough of it to get to the o-ring out the sensor will come out then. a pair of jewlwers plies may help as well. the onl;y thing you have to worry about is the sensor banging into the reluctor wheel on the crank shaft shaft and damaging it :( good luck :