Pontiac Repair: 2000 sunfire rough starting/stalling problem, blown head gasket, coolant level
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 2000 sunfire 2.2 and it will always start on the first try but when shut off and go to start again it will crank but not catch unless i keep slamming on the gas. Then when it starts the whole car shakes and starts to stall unless i get it in drive and go then it shakes until i get it going down the road. It's been doing this for a few weeks and now this morning at a stop light it started to stall but i hit the gas and it stayed running. Any help?
ANSWER: Hi Becca:
has the service engine soon lamp come on while it's running or start to flash? If so have the car scanned for codes at one of the big box auto parts stores and see what codes are stored and go from there. This could have a fule pressure issue or an ignition system issue where it only running on 2 cylinders instead of all 4. My guess is it's an ignition system issue like a bad set of plug wires or a bad ignition coil. Does this happen more so in wet weather or on damp AM's? Good luck :)
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QUESTION: Yes my service engine soon lamp has been on and is still on. Now tonight i hold the gas pedal to the floor and it catches to start but the rpms dont go up and it's barely running for about 5 seconds and shuts off and i can restart it again with pedal to the floor and it does the same thing. When i got out i could smell a burning smell and i had seen some white/black smoke earlier in day also. dont know if that helps you better to know what could be my problem but i appreciate any help.
ANSWER: It may be worse then I thought. the smoke is a concern. it could be an injector that is sticking open or worse the engine could be using coolant due to a blown head gasket is the coolant level okay in the car.
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QUESTION: ok so i went and got a code reader and the code it came up with is P0440 and is telling me to replace the Evap vent solenoid first and then it has more things listed to try. The white smoke isn't real bad but it's a little thick but it's also been cold here too. anyhow that was the only code that it brought up besides a couple ABS codes.
AnswerThat code wil not cuase the issue your having. It could be a vent vlave or even a loose gas cap. you didn't answer my question from earlier does it do it worse in the am or when it's raining out. If so it is igniton system related. like a igniton coil or a plug wire set. With this running as bad as you said it should have set a p0300 misfire code.