Pontiac Repair: 03 gp has no power and motor makes hammering noise after rev limitor kicks in, maf sensor, rev limiter
Questioni have a 2003 grand prix gt the car idle great but if in gear the car dies and misses and around 3500-4000rpms car makes and awfull hammering noise like a rod is gunna come loose
AnswerHi Jared:
does the car make the same noise in park if you rev it up Granted in park the rev limiter will cut the engine out at around 3,000 rpm's. if it makes the same noise before the evlimiter kicks it it's a mechanical issue like a rod or something else. If not and it oly runs bad driving down the road it could be something else. Does it "ping" or something else? try this unplug the MAF sensor it's mounted on the top of the throttle body it has 3 wires going to it like black/yellow and pink and drive it and see what happens. if the car run better and doesn't cut out it may be a bad sensor. one footnote it will hesitate with that unplugged but onece the hesitation is gone it should run okay. And it will turn on the service engine soon lamp. good luck :)