Pontiac Repair: 1999 Alero, oldsmobile alero, 1999 oldsmobile alero
QuestionHi, I know a 1999 Oldsmobile Alero isn't a Pontiac, but as there are no Buick/Olds experts, I'm hoping you can help! My wife's car (1999 Alero, 3.4L V6) is currently experiencing a strange electrical problem: when the brakes are applied, all the interior lights (dashboard, radio, etc.), as well as the turn signals and brake lights outside, flash repeatedly until the vehicle is turned off. I have unplugged the battery and cleaned the contacts & grounds, which seems to temporarily "fix" the problem, but after a random amount of time (days in some cases) it happens again. Have you heard of anything like this, or do you have any suggestions of what I could try? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
AnswerHi Matt:
well you have a power or a ground issue here but what? Did the battery leak acit out the side post and corrode the cable(s) if so replace the cable (S) if not then I would look at the ground cable to the body make sure it's clean and tight. It ground to or under the battery tray. When this happens does the blower motor cut out as well? If so I would lean towards a power issue and possably a bad ignition switch (the electrical) switch not the cylinder. if you can duplicate the problem and you have a digital volt meter check the votage at the fuses in both sides of the dash fuse boxes. if your low on volate at the fuses and the battery has say 14 volts and say you have 10 at the fuses I would suspect the ignition switch as the culprit. One other though does this happen when it's wet out and does the car have a sun roof? If so those cars the sunroof would leak water into the car and into the fuse boxes and cause all kinds of wierd stuff to happen. Good luck :)