Pontiac Repair: transmission problem and swap, rev limit, transmission problem
Questionmy tranny in my 1998 grand prix se will either slip in almost every gear or hit rev limit untill i let go of the gas then hit it again then it will shift but HARD. any ideas i already checked the filter and fluid my guess is its done or computer??????? but if i swap is it possible to drop my 3100 series motor into a 02 gran prix that has a 3400 without any mods to that transmission? thanks man clay
AnswerHey Clay:
If it'
s slipping and banging it needs to come apart. No if ands or buts. there are no adjustments that can be made. it's all electrnically controlled. I can't tell you what's broke with out seeing it. As for a swap I don'r advise it. thate are to many varaibles from model year to model year. also engine size makes a difference as to what is in the transmission. if your looking to a swap find one out of the same model yer and same engine with as little miles on it as you can. Good luck :)