Pontiac Repair: 1998 Grand Am hard starting, fuel pressure gauge, power steering pump
QuestionQUESTION: Right after I bought gas yesterday my car began to be hard to start. Once started it runs fine on highway and in town. Have eliminated fuel pump and strainer as the cause. Was told it could be a sensor causing this but no one seems to really know. Any ideas greatly appreciated. John
ANSWER: Hey John:
describe "hard starting" what does it do? when it finally does catch and start how does it run initially? Does it run rough and billow black smoke out the tail pipe? How did you eliminate the pump and strainer as a cause or where they replaced thinking that was the issue?
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QUESTION: By hard starting I refer to not firing while engine is turning. It has been taking 8 to 10 tries of about 15-20 seconds each to fire. Once it does fire and start it runs smooth with no problems. No black smoke at all. As far as fuel pump and strainer I was taking my experience and that of a mechanic I asked. They said it could be pun on diagnostic computer but when I was told $72 an hour to do this and might take up to 2 hours I got leery of that particular garage. I did add some "dry" gas to tank and fuel injector cleaner on the off chance it was bad gas. The problem began when I got fuel. I shut car off to refuel and didn't think I was going to be able to start once I was done. Was probably a coincidence but I'm lost with a lot of the newer cars. I was raised way back when. Thanks John
Answerwell this is what You need to do. when it will not start you need to see what your missing either spark or fuel. you need a fuel pressure gauge and a spark checker. puf the gauge on the fuel tap which is at the rear of the fuel rail near the power steering pump. and a spark checker on one of the plug wires and check the engine and see what your missing. The engine needs between 40-45 PSI to run decent. It needs spark right away as soon as the engine is cranking. If it's missing either of those that is where you need to start looking. It could be a coincidence about the fill up or not most of the pressure gauges have a bleeder on them bleed some of the gas off into a clear bottle and see what it looks lime it should ahve a yellowish green tint to it if not or you have water then the gas is the culprit.