Pontiac Repair: no turn signals-however, i have hazards, turn signal flasher, pontiac grand prix
Questioni have a 2000 pontiac grand prix 3.8 l engine
recently my turn signals just quit working. i replaced the mini fuse which was blown, still no turn signals. I had to order the replacement flasher fuse which was suggested as the problem. My problem now is that i don't know where the fuse goes under the hood of the car - the owners manual is missing in action and if once i replace it and that doesn't fix the problem - where do i go from here?
AnswerHi Jessica:
If you open the glove box and pull the fuse box access door out and turn it over it has a road map for the fuses on it and you can find the right fuse for the turn siganls. You could have a bad turn signal flasher element. there are seprate ones for the turn siganls and the 4 way flashers. they are both under the dash mounted by the steering column. Turn the 4 ways on and loisten for the clicking noise and right near the one that is clicking is the the turn one they look a like. Good luck :)