Pontiac Repair: 01 gtp traction control, wheel bearings, speed sensors

Hi there the display on my 01 gtp where the traction control button is located works whenever it wants to and lately it has not been turning all at all however my traction control light is always on whenever I start the car and I have to hit the button to turn it off. Do you know what might cause this problem? How can I fix it?

Hi Silvy:
the Traction and Antilock brakes are the same system so if the ABS system is acting up it effects the traction control This either has a bad wheel speed senor on one of the wheel bearings or it has a bad wire harness going to one of the wheel speed sensors more then likley a front one due to the lamp comming on when you tune the wheel it streatches the harness and makes the lamp come on. stop by one of the big box auto parts stores and they will checkyour car for codes for free once you know which snesor is acting up you can start from there as to what the issue is and waht corner of the car to start looking. good luck :)