Pontiac Repair: fuel leak on 2004 pontiac montana, pontiac montana, hose clamp
Questionunderneath my hood there is a hose that connects to a part that looks like a fuel filter, (small chrome looking filter). it looks like there is supposed to be hose clamp connecting the hose to the filter. Is this hose supposed to have a clamp on it? Right now when i turn the key it just comes loose and shoots gas all over the place
AnswerHi Al:
I see your from Canada. I'm not sure how the emission system may differ from here in the states. But if it wew one from here that is not a filter it's a dampner to quiet the sound of the fule injectors opening and closing "hammering" type noise. that fuel likes are of a quick disconnect type "again here in the states" I don't see what yours would be different. if the quick connect line just pops off when the key is on then the line is more then likely bad! it's not serviced by it's self it's part of the line from front to rear. it may have lost the seal when it poped off or the retainers in the line are bent up or broken and that's why it keeps popping off. Good luck :)