Pontiac Repair: 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP, pontiac grand prix, gm dealer

Recently my Keyless Entry remote stopped working LOCK, UNLOCK, TRUNK and ALARM all stopped. I'm guessing it is the DCDLR. Where is it located and how can I get to it? Can I replace it myself or do I HAVE to take it in?

Hi Mat:
do both remotes not work or just 1 or do you have only 1 remote? the rmeotes for those cars would go bad before any receiver in the car. Not saying that is the issue here You may be right and it need the receiver. If you have 2 remotes and they quit at the same time It's more then likley a car issue with the receiver. If you only have 1 it's hard to say. If you had 2 and 1 quit and a while later the second one quit it's an issue with the remotes. to answer your question the receiver is in the center of the dash under the top dash pad that had to come off to replace it and then you need a scan tool to learn the remote(S) ro the new receiver. if you stop by any GM dealer usually the parts department will check the remote(S) for you for free.  Good luck :-)