Pontiac Repair: 99 Bonneville Stalling, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow
QuestionSo 2 weeks ago, I was sitting at a stop light and my car stalled. After about 5 minutes, got it started and didn't have any problems getting it home. Took it to the shop 2 days later, they couldn't find anything wrong. No more problems for 2 weeks. Now today I went down the road and pulled into a parking space and while it was in park, it died. It started up right after though. Went into the store, came out a few minutes later, it started again. Drove down the road for 2 seconds, the car died again. After 5 or 6 attempts at starting it, it did. I let it sit for a minute to make sure it was okay, it seemed like it so I drove home. When I was pulling into the driveway, it stalled for a 3rd time. And after about 10 attempts now, it will not start. Please help.
AnswerHi Kristen:
Well it's either a fuel delivery problem or a spark issue or it can be both. these engines were noted for stalling problems of that vintage.. here are a few things it could be. A fuel pressure regulator leaking fuel into the vacuum line (very likely) because if the difficulty re starting. Idle control valve because it keeps stalling on a closed throttle event (again not very likley) due to the hard restart. Fuel pump a bit more likley and or a plugged fuel filetr cuaing the pump to cut out. Mass Air flow sensor (somewhat likley) But again the difficulty starting again doesn't really fit that either. Lastly Crank shaft position sensor (very likley). if this keeps happening and you can get it to a repair shop that is a "good" thing because they can duplicate the condition which makes it easier to fix instead of just guessing like I am now. But when it does stall they have to see what the engine is loosing to make it stall. My guess is it's loosing spark due to the crank sensor cutting out. good luck :)