Pontiac Repair: 1992 Pontiac Sunbird SE, pontiac sunbird, 1992 pontiac sunbird

QUESTION: My gauges stopped working, I replaced a fuse and all but the speedometer worked. Seems to be stuck or broken can you tell me what i might need to do to fix this?

ANSWER: Hi Tyler:

Did the gauges fuse blow and everything quit working but the speedo. Has the fuse blown again? The speedo is driven bu a sensor on the transmission when in turn goes to the engine computer and then to the speedo there is no speedo cable on these it's all electronic. You could have a bad sensor on the transmission or wiring going to the sensor ROden damage is pretty common the wires are down low and mice have a tendency to chew the wires off.  It could be any of the things I mentione here but without seeing it it's hard to say what happened.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes i did find a blown fuse and replaced it which solved the problem only  to have it blow again while driving.

Well You may have an issue with the cluster it's self blowing the fuse if you have no issues at all before the fuse blew you replaced the fuse and everything worked BUT the speedo it could just be in the cluster and nothing else... If you can get your hands on a chilton or motor repair manual and see what else is on the fuse that blows and narrow it down. My online service manulas only go back to 1998.