Pontiac Repair: 1990 Pontiac Grand Prix dies!!, pontiac grand prix, wnen
QuestionI have a 1990 Pontiac Grand Prix with a turbo 3.1L. It starts and runs fine for about a minute or two, then dies. When I restart it, it runs rough, then dies. If I let it sit for a few, it'll start again. It has no codes.
AnswerHey Bob:
try this first wnen it's running tap on the engine crontrol module with the handle of a screwdriver. the engine control module is under a black plastic cover inside the engine compartment in front of the right front wheel it's a black metal box with 4 or 5 connectors going into it. it you tap it and it dies you found the problem. if not that then check the fuel pressure it should remain steady. if it drops off and the engine dies the pump is bad. that is where I would start looking.