Pontiac Repair: remove blower motor, pontiac bonneville ssei, 2000 pontiac bonneville ssei
QuestionCan you please tell me how to remove the blower motor on 2000 pontiac bonneville ssei 3800 series 2 supercharged engine.
Thank you
AnswerHey Shawn:
there are 2 designes for the blower motor and I'm not sure which one you have in your car one you just twist the motor out of the heater case the motor is under the glove box. That is the easy one to chnage. the hard one the motor is poart of the bottom plate of the heater box it's hard to get in and out you have to remove the screws that hold it in to the heater box ther are 5 or 6 screws but once you get them out you have to twist pul tug to get the motor out it's a tight fit. get a new one from the deler and then you will know which style you have. there is a label on the bottom of the motor take that # to the dealer and they will get you what you need. good luck :)