Pontiac Repair: removing flywheel access plate, haynes manuals, haynes manual
Questionmy 95 firebird (3.8 liter) is making a clanging noise which I'm 99% sure is the flexplate either loose or cracked. as a first step I'd like to remove the access cover to look at the flexplate but I cant get the flexplate out because there are 2 large brackets to either side of the cover. these brackets go up the sides of the trans and the bolts are pretty inaccessable. I have a haynes manual and it doesnt mention the brackets. I was thinking I had to pull the oil pan to get it but the haynes doesnt say anything about that either.
any help would be great!
AnswerDoes that have a aluminum access cover on it or is it plastic.. The metal ones are hard to get off and the covers it's been along time since I have even seen one of these let alone fix one. But if indeed the flex plate is broken the trnamisssion has to come out. Those braces have to come off anyways so bite the bullet and take them off. This has a 3.8? Are you sure it's not a 3.4?? Haynes manuals are NOT very easy to follow. look for a "motor" manual they are better stop by your local Library and see if you can get one there.