Pontiac Repair: Pontiac Trans Sport, pontiac trans sport, crank shaft position sensor

I am working on a 1995 Pontiac Trans Sport for a buddy of mine.  When first he brought it to me, it was running on 4 cylinders.  We go and change the control module and it wouldn't start at all.  We go have it tested and all 8 times they tested it, it came back good.  We tried it again, same result.  It wasn't starting.  Now, we go back and get the old one back that we thought was bad and put it on and still no spark.  We changed a coil pack on it and still nothing.  We are really at wits end with this generic motors junk and we need answers.  Please help me.

Hi Lance:

Okay start from square #1. you had 1 dead coil pack thus only 4 cylinders running. Did you try swapping coils around on the ignition module or did  you just go ahead and change the module? I assume the ignition module? Did you get a fits all aftermarket module or a AC Delco module? I DO NOT TRUST ANY AFTERMARKET electronic parts... You may have created a new problem with an aftermarket part and it may be okay but it doesn't fit that engine in that model Van but is fits that engine in a car. It looks the same but the magic inside is different. I would back pedal and start from scratch. This engine has a BIG ground stud under the ignition module and I would check to make sure the wires are clean and tight You may have disturbed it changing the module? You may have damaged one of the terminals in the connector to the module look for a spread out terminal. Another issue with this engine is the crank shaft position sensor. They go bad quite often but when they go you don't just loose one coil pack the whole engine looses spark. If you have access to a scan tool with the engine cranking the scan tool should show engine RPM is not then I would lean towards a crank sensor.. See if you can do a google search for a flow chart od engine cranks but will not start for that year van and engine.