Pontiac Repair: Turn signal on 2001 Sunfire, left turn signal, head lamps
QuestionI am having an issue that I hope you can answer...
All the turn signals work EXCEPT the front driver's side light facing forward. The side blinker and rear blinker work and all the right blinkers work. The light itself is good, since it illuminates when I turn on the running lights or headlights.
This is probably obvious, but the signal inside is faster with the left turn signal on, which I know indicates an issue with the signal, but just letting you know.
I see people asking about all lights or a side going out, but what about a single spot? Is it still the relay? I can't afford to really start replacing stuff until it works, so I want to start at the "most probable" spot.
AnswerHi steven:
The most likley cause is a bad bulb or socket for the bulb since all of the other lights work. that light has 2 seperate filiments in it. ther is a parking light and a turn signal light. If the parking light works which comes on with the head lamps the ground is good going to that lamp and the parking light power. It's the turn siganl that doesn't work Like I said the most likely cause is a bad bulb if you didn't change that already.