Pontiac Repair: 1990 Pontiac Bonneville, pontiac bonneville, speedometer cable
QuestionWhere is the speedometer cable connected to the trnasmission?
AnswerHey John:
No speedo cable on this car it's electronically driven. does the transmission shifty okay? It' driven by governer gear on that transmission of if the transmission shifts okay the mechanical way the speedo sensor is driven works okay then it has to be an electrical issue of some kind either the spped sensor is bad or the wiring at the sensor is broken off. The speedo intup I belive is buffered by the engine computer on that car and the signal is sent to the speedo from the engine computer it could be any of those things to cause it with out seeing it it's only a guess. does the cruise control work on that car? if the cruise works then the speedo sensor wiring and engine computer are doing their job then the issue would be inbetween the computer and the speedo head or the speedo it's self.. good luck :)