Pontiac Repair: 2001 Grand Am, lmap, fuel rail

I have a 01 grand am, it started and ran okay, i went into town and turned it off at the store, i came out and it will not start, it turns over but wont start. i spray starting fluid into the intake and it starts momentarily then immediately quits. i have spark to the plugs and fuel to the fuel rail but it acts like it isn't getting gas. what could be the problem?

Hey Dustin:

when you try to start start it leave the key in the run position does the security lamp stay on or start flashing? if so leave the key in the run position for 10 minutes the lmap should stop flashing or go out altogether every model year that lamp acts differently after the 10 minutes leaving the key on make sure every thing is off radio HVAC fan etc.. then turn the key off wait 1 minute and tru to start the car up. If it starts and runs the issue is with the security system on the car either a bad ignition lock housing or a bad bcm.connection at the bcm. Good luck :)