Pontiac Repair: a/c, safety glases, electrical issues

QUESTION: Hi todd. i have a question about my a/c. when i cut my air on it doesnt gets cold or anything and the motor doesnt changes sound either when the air on. i believe i need another a/c clutch. or do i need the whole air compressor? what do you think?

ANSWER: Hey Tyler:

the blower motor will not change shounds when you turn the a/c on or off. You need to look at the a/c compressor and see if the front of it is turning or not. If not the compressore is not enguaged. It can be an electrical fault or a system that is low on a charge. If it's low on a charge you can get a recharge kit at just abut ant auto parts store. get one that has a tracer dye in it. that way when it leak out agin the dye should be visable to where the leak is.

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QUESTION: its not turning at all so what does that mean?

ANSWER: It could be either thing I mentioned before an electical failure of some sort or the sytem is low on a charge. what model and year is this car/suv?

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QUESTION: i have a 1994 firebird trans am 5.7 liter v8

look for the Lo side service port for the a/c system and use a small screwdriver and depress on the valve under the black plastic cap and see if there is a cahrge in the system the presurised gass should come out loike letting air out of a tire. do not stand over top of it and use safety glases when doing it. if there is no charge in the system you found the root cause recahrge it. If ther is a charge in the ssystem it should come out at a fast rate. it could be low and you never here it leaking out same thin that is the root cause.. if there is a charge in the stem start looking for electrical issues like a blow fuse or bad relay.