Pontiac Repair: Pontiac 2000 2.4ltr. auto, ac delco, weep hole
QuestionThe problem is a slight drip of coolant from the Center back area of the engine. Overnight the leak is small maybe about a 3 in round mark on the pavement. Someone said that this is common seepage for the model. WATER PUMP > and is not needed to due unless the timing chain is needed to be changed then replace the water pump. the car has 159,000 km.
AnswerHi Warren:
that is not normal. Yes the water pump on this enegin is noted for weepage but not leaking if you see a puddle it's a leak not weepage. Yes in order to replace the pump you hav eot take the timing chain off. It' a pretty big job and not a do it your self job by any means. do not use an aftermarkey pump use a genuine AC delco pump and the new pump actaually comes with a weepage catecher that wraps around the poump weep hole. good luck:)