Pontiac Repair: fuel problem, digital volt meter, pressure tester
QuestionHey Todd I left the fuel pressure tester on that 95 bonneville like you said and in 20 minutes it dropped from 42 psi to 38 psi. I then got a buddy to come out with the same 3800 series 2 engine in his and tested it, he had 50 psi with key on,I have 30 psi he had 44 psi running i have 42-44, his lost 4 psi after sitting for 20 minutes mine lost 4 psi.After i drained the fuel pressure off mine i turned the key on and checked tester to see about 5 psi,cranked engine over it went to 12 psi, cranked again it went to 30 psi and started up to then rise back to 42 psi.I tried 3 times and got the same results every time.I changed fuel filter last night but same results.I am thinking now it has to be fuel pump not working right.I was just hoping for your opinion first, fuel pump up here in canada is $155 and dont want to spend money on the old girl unless im certain. THANKS-ALOT Jeff
Answerthose #'s seem a bit low. I would do one last thing before I condem the pump. make sure you have full battery power back at the pump. You could have a bad power feed and or ground at the pump you can back probe the electrical connector at the pump the power and ground wires are black and grey in the cinnetor for the pump. use a digital volt meter you should read the same thing as at the battery with the car running. If the voltage is any less that .5 Volts less then battery voltage you need to trace back the power and ground. Chnace are you would have a bad ground which on that car is under the carpet under the left front sill plate It' a big splice pack with all black wires. Good luck :)