Pontiac Repair: 95 grandam sputtering, chevron techron, throttle plate
QuestionFirst of all my car is a automatic 95 grand am with a V6 3.1L engine. Here recently I've been having trouble starting it. I assumed it was the cold because well it got to be below 0 degs this year; however, it has since warmed up and I am still having problems. I have since had an Idler pulley seize up on me and overheat the engine but I was able to change that with it starting up just fine. Here lately though I've been able to start my car up fine and drive around town but after about 3-4 four stops (shutting off engine, going into store or house, then starting up again) were it will start just fine it eventually just stops starting. Actually it will start but it will idle really really rough then quit, then after that it will start for a second maybe then shut off. after i wait about half a day I will be able to start it up just fine and it only seems to happen after a lot of short trips. I also think I have something wrong with my transmission as it is because on the highways when I get up to between 50-60 mph the car will not accelerate anymore and shake really bad but then I let my foot off the gas and press it again and I can accelerate just fine.
AnswerHey Dustin:
sounds like you need to start looking for a nother car this one is going to haunt you with issues. I think the issue you have here are replated.. The rough idel and the jerking are more thne likley the same thing a misfire.. these cars were noted for bad plug wires where they attache to the ignition coils take the wires off the tops of the coils 1 by 1 and see is any of the contacts are rusted or burnt looking... start there. These were also noted for injector issues plugging up and running lean. Try a product called Chevron Techron it's an injetor cleaner you add to the tank follow the directions on the bottle.. Wal*Mart sells it. I would also clean the throttle body and the throttle plate on this car. That is not going to cuase the issue at highway speeds but it can be an issue at idle for sure.. you may also want to take out the idle control motor and clean that as well. Has any service engine soon lamp come on? if yes get the car scannned for codes and see what ones are set. it may lead you in a direction other then what I mentioned here. good luck :)