Pontiac Repair: Electrical problems, pontiac grandprix, blower fan
QuestionI have a 2000 Pontiac Grandprix with a 3.1V6 My question is: The Blower fan inside stays on all the time, even when the car is off. I need to know where the Blower relay is located( Itried all I clould find under the hood and behind the glove box but can't find the one that stops the fan. I did pull the AC fuse from the box next to the glove compartment to get to stop. Can you help?
AnswerHi Robert:
YES I can help you! the blower relay is part of the blower resistor on that car. The resistor is located in the bottom of the heater box under the glove box. It has 1 connector going into it and one harness comming out of it going to the blower motor. Easy Fix 3 screws hold it into the box they are heard to get at but it's an easy fix. DO NOT buy an aftermarket resistor the replacemnet one from GM is a new and improved design and looks different from the original and should not go bad again. Good luck :)