Pontiac Repair: 2000 Bonnieville SSEI radio no sound, fuse block, fuse box
QuestionI was reading about the SSEI with no audio. I also have the same issue; however, I didn’t jump my car, but just replaced my dead battery with a new one. Since I replaced the battery, I also have no sound. I can see that the radio is working, all presets are there and I see the volume meter. I have checked all the fuses in the fuse block under the seat and the fuse box under the hood. None are bad. I had my mechanic look and he confirmed that power is going to the amp and a good ground after the amp. He felt the amp was bad. I can’t understand how that could be if I was driving the car with radio working, replaced battery and no fuses are bad, what would have surged the amp? In the earlier response, I saw a reference to a 5vdc, What is that and how do I check it? I don’t want to splice into a wire if it is truly my amp. Thank you in advance for any advice or direction you could provide.
AnswerHi Jim:
I to would lean towards a bad amp. It may just have been by chance it went bad after the battery was replaced. you can see if your getting speaker input at the amp unplug it and if you have a "test" speaker you can jump across a pair of speaker wires and see in the test speaker plays 2 pair of wires for the speakers are lt blu dk blue or lt green dr green if you have sound on those channels then the only other thing could be the radio is not sending the turn on signal to the amp there is a pink wire that when the radio is tuned on that should have power I belive it's a 12V in put but it could be a 5V input as well.. if it has that and sound in but not out It's a bad amp!
Good luck :)