Pontiac Repair: cooling system, pontiac gran prix, infered
Questionwhat is normal operating temp of a 3.8 supercharged pontiac gran prix
temp gauge moves between 1/4 and half
is this normal?
AnswerHi Michael:
The normal opertaing temp would be in the area of 200-225 or so. It depends on a lot of factors like ambient outside tempa and humidity but in that general temp range. Is the car getting good heat inside? Any service engine soon lamp on? I wouldn't go by the guage on the dash that is just gives you a general idea of the temp. to be suree you would need a infered temp probe and see what the outlet temp is comming out of the engine or a scan tool to see what the engine control module sees for engine temps amd see if it's close to what the guage reads. Good Luck :)