Pontiac Repair: pnp switch, tranmissions, electric shift
Questionhow do i know pnp switch is bad the car shifts in frist and 2 good then do git to shift in 3 and 4i have being rpm way up be it will shift could this be a problem if the pnp swicth
AnswerHey Mike:
No That's not going to be the issue here. What model and year is this? I'm really not a transmission guy as my profile states but I can try to give you an idea as to what the issue is. If it's a older car say 1994 and down it could be an issue with a vacuum mudulator or a throttle valve cable or a internal failure or stuck valve in the valve body. If it's say 1994 and newer those are electric shift tranmissions and have less moving parts but you could still have an issue with a stuck valve in a valve body. My guy feeling it you have a cluth pack int the transmission that has burnt up and it cauing this issue How does the fluid look and is it full? If it' dark in color and has a pungent smell to it it's burnt up and there is no band aid you can put on this to fix it. It's going to have to come out of the car and be taken apart to see what failed and what may have been the root cuase of the failure... Good Luck :)