Pontiac Repair: Pontiac Bonneville, pontiac bonneville, upper intake manifold

What happens when head gasket brakes in 97' Pontiac Bonneville SE 3800 V6? And if it's while running the engine when head gasket is broken what will happen? Thanks!

Hi There:

it depends on the sevearity of the "blown" gasket. it could just leak samll amount of cocolant into the engine and you may not noice it until the engine over heast or starts to run hot. If it goes "in a big way" then it could hydrolock the engine and it not start or it could intermix the coolant and oil which is really bad. These engiens are not really noted for head gasket failures more times then not it's the upper intake manifold plenium "big black plastic" piece on the top of the engine that goes bad and when they go bad they will hydrolock up an engine and it will not crank over. Hope that helps you put some..