Pontiac Repair: Timing Gear Replacement, gm tool, pontiac firebird
Question1995 Pontiac Firebird 3.4L V6
There is a specialty tool for removing and installing the timing sprocket on the crankshaft(Thanks GM!). I do not have this tool, and a standard 3 toothed gear puller will not work. I don't know where to get an alternative puller that would work. Timing gear shows extensive wear and does need replacing. What do I do??
AnswerHi Jason:
Yes there is a specail GM tool for this but any of the big box auto parts stores that have a tool rental should have a tool that will work for you. It is a puller that has a cone type looking end that will fit behind the gear and the anvel will press on the crank and pull the gear off. Of you need to find a different 3 jaw puller with shorter/thiner feet to reach behind the gear to pull it off. Yes I know there is almost no clearance behind the gear and the crank chaft bearing cap. Keep looking you'll find the tool you need.