Pontiac Repair: Engine trouble wont start, vacuum problem, pontiac grand prix

92 pontiac grand prix 3.4 dual twin automatic, Ran fine then went in store for twenty minutes and came out and it would crank but not even try to start. getting fuel atleast as far as the map sensor, I have spark, and I cant find a vacuum problem. What is a common thing to over look when there were no previous symtoms? VSS was bad could it be stuck in gear?

Fuel at the MAP sensor???

In order for an engine to ru nit needs 3 things spark,fuel,compression. Mke sure you have spark on all 6 cylinders. You can check for injector pulse with a tool called a noid light. If you take the black plactic cover off the top of the engine you will see th plugs for the injectors unplug each of the injectors and plug in the noid light and crank the car the light should blink. If so you have injector pulse. Make sure you have arounf 40-44 PSI fule pressure. Lastly make sure you have compression. You need a compression gauge for that. if you don't have compression on all the cylinders more then likely the timing belt broke. This is common on this engine. good luck :)