Pontiac Repair: winshield wiper, pontiac montana, breif description

2003 Pontiac Montana.  Rear wiper "frozen" in upright position.  Front wiper "very, very" slow motion, and often "freezes" upright & won't return to neutral position without being manually forced down.  I beleive it is the motor for the wiper(s).  I can't even find the motor under the hood, so do you have a breif description of location and procedure?  If you beleive it is another problem, what's your take?

Hi Heather:

you need a rear motor that is VERY common and most likley an rear arm as well.

As for the front the motor is under a black plactic cover on the right side of the van near the fender. You may need a front motor as well. As far as them parking in the upright postion the park arm more then likely broke or the stop on the wiper transmission for the park arm is worn out or bent. The park arm issue is VERY common as well. The motor not so much. Good luck :)