Pontiac Repair: 2009 Pontiac 1.8 ltr base Vibe 16, ally wheels, toyota corola
QuestionQUESTION: I would like to know what other years of Vibes or other years and makes of vehicles would have 16" wheels that would fit on my 2009 Pontiac Vibe, 1.8 ltr, 5 spd std, base automobile. I believe the Toyota Matrix is the same vehicle. I would like to finc / buy a used set of steel wheels to mount a set of snow tires on, so this would be key information. Their needed here in the upper midwest winters! Thanx. Joe
Yes the Toyota Corola "matrix" is the exact same car. So those wheels will fit you Vibe. The only thing you make to mkae sure /take into considertaion is this If you get an extar set of wheels/tires for this for winter get the same side tire because it will throw off the speedometer and the ABS brakes. You should price a fet of rims from a GM dealer and a toyota dealer you will be surprised of the price difference for the same part. You may also want to look in a junk yard to a set of used wheels. Also that car has tire pressure monitors so if you just throw on a set of steel wheel and you don't get a second set or tire pressure monititors the TPM lamp will be on on the dash. it will not hurt anything othet then the fact that the light is on. The monitors are EXPENSIVE almost $100.00 a piece. so for $400.00 I would be driving around with the TPM light on all winter long......... I feel your pain about salt in the winter I live outside of Buffalo NY. P.S. I Do like the Vibe it's a nice economy car that doesn't break because it's a Toyota!
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: What other years rims will fit my 2009 Vibe? Are there any issues if the extra set of wheels I get would be the alloy style? Thanx! Joe
AnswerIt doesn't matter if they are steel wheels or ally wheels as long as the rim diameter is the same and the bolt pattern is the same. I want to say that the older vibe style from 2003 on up will fit this 2009 But I'm not sure. I'm not a prts guy so I can't say yes or no that the older ones will fit you 09' . Call a local junk yard and ask them. Try these guys. http://www.wilbertsgmparts.com/ They ship around the country and we get parts from them. They have "good" used parts.
good luck :0