Pontiac Repair: 1999 Pontiac Montana TCC bypass?, montana minivan, pontiac montana

My wife has a 1999 Pontiac Montana Minivan.  She has been experiencing intermittent problems with the TCC.  When this happens the van will hold gears and rev hard and then slam into another gear and have a hard time going.  We have taken it to a garage and the drove it and it never acted up but they are pretty sure it is the TCC.  I know in older GM vehicles the TCC can be unplugged from the transmission and the car will run fine.  The mechanic that looked at her van does not believe that this is the case with her van and said that in newer vehicles this will not work.  Do you know if this is true?  I would hate to drop hundreds of dollars in repairs if all I need to do to have it act normally is to unplug the TCC.  

to unpluge it you would need to remove the side cover of the trans, it will set a fault code and possible still not shift right as it will be put into a solid failed state.  If you are going to remove the side cover to unplug it, you might as well just repplace it.