Pontiac Repair: 2000 bonneville climate control, pressure gauge, control question
QuestionQUESTION: when ac is turned on it blows cold air out the passenger side and warm air out the drivers side
does this have auto cliamte control "digital" or does it have manual dials? My guess is possably 2 things #1 the a/c system is low on a charge of 134A or the temp actuator for the driver side temp door is bad. If I were to guess I would say it's low on a charge and that is the issue here.. If you can make the driver side temp hot by moving the dial or knob to hot the issue is not the temp door actuator and it leads me more to the a/c system low on a charge again..
Good Luck :)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: if its low on 134a would one side still be cold while the other isn't? The compressor stay engaged all the time. Doesn't go in and out as if its low. I noticed the ac line frosts over is that normal too?
AnswerYes it can still be cold on the right but cool on the left side if the system is low on a charge. as the refrigerant passes though the evaporator "cooling coil in the car" it looses it's cooling ability due to the low charge in the system it enters on the right side of the evap core that is why it's it's cold on the one side but not the other. As for the line frosting up that too can be a sign of a low charge the system doesn't act properly when it's low. ideally this should have a pressure gauge set put on it and see what the low an hi side pressures are at before anything is done to it.. Going to parts store and getting a can to charge it is the worst thing to do Because your blindly adding a charge to the system with out knowing exactly how much your adding. those kits have a gauge on them but it's only for the lo side.
Your welcome Wes:
I see this all the time it's pretty common. If you live in the rust belt like I do You can bet that the system has a leak and it's more then likley the condenser that is the cause of the leak. The aluminum on the condenser corrodes.
Once again your welcome I'm glad I could help you out :)