Pontiac Repair: AC on 95 bonneville, compressor cycles, climate control

At first the A/C began to work intermittently and now nothing comes out of the vents when it is set to A/C or heat ( we don't think the blower is working). The clutch on the compressor cycles off and on every 5-10 seconds. Checked the voltage to the clutch and it read 12 volts constantly when the air was on. One of the lines coming out of the condenser is cold. The car is due to head back to college with my son soon.

Hey Dan:

well fro you are syating it sounds like the a/c system it's self is working but how well You don't know due to the blower not working. If the a/c is cycling on and off that fast it's low on a charge and will need to be topped off. as for the blower not working. unplug the motor. it's under the hood on the fire wall it has a 2 wire plug on  it one wire is purple the othere is black. put your test light actross the 2 wires and pu the blower on hi. if the lmap lights bright the issue is with the motor. if not then you have an issue withe either the blower relay or the blower resistor "if it manual control hvac" or the blower motor contmodule if this has auto climate control..  Usually the issue is not withe the control head it's self. Good luck :)